ABI Money®

ABI Tonetto
3 min readAug 10, 2021


Digital Cash You Can Spend Anywhere — Get Paid, Shop, Pay Bills

ABI Money (ABI) gives you the freedom to move your money any way you want. Grab a coffee, split a check, or pay your phone bill. ABI Money (ABI) moves money anywhere, to anyone, instantly, for less than a cent.

Real world vendors accept $ABI currency.
ABI Money (ABI) is accepted globally by businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our low fees and instant transaction time make Dash the preferred method of payment around the world.

Digital Cash You Can Spend Anywhere — Get Paid, Shop, Pay Bills
Grab a coffee, buy a plane ticket, or pay your phone bill. ABI Money (ABI) is growing and is accepted by new businesses every day.

ABI Blockchain, Digital Money Cryptocurrency, instants global and easy to use. Revolutionary Smart Contract technology, ERC20, BEP20, and TRC20 provides decentralized market participants with the ability, to directly engage in personal and business transactions.

We believe the largest obstacle to the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is price volatility. Cryptocurrencies, unlike fiat currencies, do not have a central bank to implement monetary policy focused on stabilizing purchasing power. Thus, changes in demand induce massive price fluctuations. The decentralized model to price discovery has made the majority of existing cryptocurrencies nothing more than stocks or commodities, valued on psychology, traded on unregulated stock markets, and susceptible to manipulation. The lack of price stability has prevented credit and debt markets from forming because volatility incurs a premium. While the rest of the industry focuses on transaction throughput and smart contracts, we focus on solving price stability to realize the economic capabilities that the blockchain enables. In this paper, we introduce ABI Money (ABI), a cryptocurrency with low-volatility, and predictable returns.

ABI Money (ABI)is a new class of digital currency that does not match with existing coins or stablecoins. It is not a fully free-traded token, and it does not meet the standard definition of a stablecoin, either. ABI Money (ABI) nominal value is steady but does experience “effective” price fluctuations due to its freely traded ecosystem token, ABI Money (ABI). The nominal value is supported through its predicted price progression as well as the ecosystem of applications that use ABI Money (ABI) as their currency. Through these methods, ABI Wallet addresses the volatility and price fluctuations experienced by first-generation virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, without being dependent on an underlying asset such as the USD or gold. By eliminating the dependency on the stability of other assets, ABI Money (ABI) is markedly different from any other digital asset that has so far been launched.



ABI Tonetto

ABI Money, Digital CryptoCurrency Reliable, Trusted, accepted everywhere.